Teen Driver Restrictions

If you're 16 years old and preparing to hit the road with your Utah driver license, it's crucial to understand the restrictions in place.  Here's a breakdown of what you need to know:

RESTRICTED HOURS - cannot drive between 12:00 am and 5:00 am except for:
  • When a licensed driver at least 21 years of age is sitting next to you.
  • Driving to and from your work and home.
  • Driving to and from your school and home.
  • You are involved in agricultural operations.
  • In an emergency.
RESTRICTED PASSENGERS - cannot drive with any person who is not an immediate family member until:
  • You have had your license for at least six (6) months (no friends for the first six (6) months); or
  • You are 18 years old.
Exceptions to this rule are:
      • When a licensed driver at least 21 years of age is sitting next to you.
      • You are involved in agricultural operations.
      • In an emergency.
  • Your minor driver may obtain a learner permit at the age of 15.
  • Must carry a learner permit for six (6) months before being able to apply for a driver license (cannot apply until at least 16 years of age.)
  • Must complete a driver education course after the learner permit is issued.
  • Must complete the online Traffic Safety and Trends Exam and pass with 100% before a license can be issued.
  • Pass an eye test, written knowledge test, and driving skills test.
  • Must complete 40 hours of driving with parent (10 hours after sunset.)
  • The parent must sign for financial responsibility until the minor turns 18.  As a parent, you can withdraw your signature at any time and for any reason, which would cancel your minor’s driver license.
  • Your minor driver cannot drive between 12:00 am and 5:00 am; some exceptions are stated above.
  • Your minor driver cannot drive with any passengers who are not an immediate family member until six (6) months from the date the license was issued, “no driving with friends for the first six (6) months.
  • Your minor driver cannot operate a motorcycle until they have tested and received a motorcycle endorsement.