Check to be sure you can request a Board Appeal
You can request a Board Appeal up to 1 year from the date on your
decision notice. (Exception: if you have a contested claim, you have
only 60 days from the date on your decision notice to request a Board
Appeal.)You can request a Board Appeal for these claim decisions:
- An initial claim
- A Supplemental Claim
- A Higher-Level Review
You can’t request a Board Appeal if you’ve already requested one for
this same claim. -
Gather your information
Here’s what you’ll need to apply:
- Your mailing address
- The VA decision date for each issue you’d like us to review (this is
the date on the decision notice you got in the mail)
Start your request
We’ll take you through each step of the process. It should take about 30
minutes.Sub Headline of Start Your Request
Possibly put a div here...
This is a heading - H3
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