Required Documents

icon shows a stack of papers
Bring all required documents to your appointment
  • You will have to return with them later if you don't
icon shows a clock
Document approval may take more time
  • It may take more than a day
  • It may require an additional visit

Documents must be:

  • Original documents or certified copies with raised seal, stamp, or signature
  • Unexpired

Documents cannot be:

  • Photocopies
  • Faxed copies
  • Laminated
Icon shows "Espanol" with an arrow pointing to Ingles and then a symbol for translation

Translation required

Icon is a name tag that says hello my name is and it is blank

If your name has changed

  • If the name on your license or ID card doesn't match the name on your birth certificate, amended birth certificate, or passport, you'll need legal papers to explain the difference.
  • These papers could be:
    • A certified marriage certificate from the state
    • A divorce decree
    • An updated passport
    • A new birth certificate
    • Adoption papers
    • A citizenship or naturalization certificate
    • Court papers showing the name change, sealed by the court.
  • All documents are imaged, stored in a secure database, and returned to you